The Coverage You Need to Keep Afloat
Beyond covering the cost of replacing your vessel in the event of a total loss, The Strong Agency can provide Protection and Indemnity Coverage (P&I). P&I is a similiar coverage to your homeowners or auto policy and will keep your business running in the event of a loss.
Insurance Coverage
Lobster Boats, Stevedores, Terminal Operators, Ports, Shipyards, Wharfingers, Boat Builders, Marine Products Manufacturers and Distributors, Government Contractors, Merchants and Artisans, Ship Repairers, Charterers, Cargo and Stock Through-Put, Transit, Marine Construction, Tug and Barge, Crewboat Operators, Offshore Caterers, Drydocks, Supply Vessel Operators
- General Liability/ Marine General Liability– Including Care, Custody, and Control for non-owned vessels; Completed Products and Operations; Traveling Workman; Worldwide Territory; Action Over; Marina Operators Legal Liability; Terminal Operators Legal Liability; Ship Repairers Legal Liability; Wharfingers Legal Liability; Charterers Legal Liability
- Hull/ P&I– $ Per Vessel Limit; $ Per Hull TIV Limit; Jones Act; Collision and Towers; Cargo Legal Liability
- Cargo
- Property– Replacement Cost and Actual Cash Value Options, which includes coverage for Buildings, BPP, Stock, Business Income, Dock Coverage, National Historic Properties
- Inland Marine– Trip Transit; Crime; Fine Arts; Mobile Equipment; Contractors Equipment; Transportation and Riggers Liability
- Auto– including Hired and Non-Owned
- Workers’ Compensation– including Employers Liability
- Builder’s Risk
- Bumbershoot and Excess
- Foreign Package
We’re Your Beacon When a Storm Knocks You Off Course
Beyond covering the cost of replacing your vessel in the event of a total loss, The Strong Agency can provide Protection and Indemnity Coverage (P&I). P&I is a similiar coverage to your homeowners or auto policy and will keep your business running in the event of a loss.